Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Chemistry IA design format Essay

1.0.0- Introduction 1.0.1- Focus Question- If the mass of magnesium reacted with hydrochloric acid is changed will the temperature of the solution increase and the total mass decrease. 1.0.2- Hypothesis- If the mass of magnesium that is reacted with hydrochloric acid is changed the temperature of the solution will increase and the total mass will decrease. 1.0.3- Theory- The reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric reaction is written as follows, Mg(s)+ 2HCL (aq)—— (MgCl2(aq)+H2 (g) (Ng, 2008, pg 1). This reaction goes through two distinct changes that both have an effect on the energy change in the reaction. Enthalpy refers to changes in energy in a compound (Assut, 2008, pg 1). Two distinct changes can occur. An endothermic change occurs when the energy being absorbed is grater then the energy being released whereas and exothermic change is when the energy being released is greater than the energy being absorbed. Energy is absorbed when bonds are broken and energy is released when they are formed (Newton, 2008, pg1). Energy change cannot be directly measured. However energy change affects the physical force of heat. Therefore a heat change is indicative of an energy change. If the heat increase in the solution the change will be exothermic and if the heat decreases the reaction will be endothermic. In respects to the formula Magnesium forms an ionic bond with chlorine to form the salt magnesium chloride. When this bond is formed energy is released in the form of an endothermic change, this energy drop would be quite small however because the bond is ionic and does not take much energy to create since magnesium and chorine bond easily. However the second change is that hydrogen breaks off from chlorine in the hydrochloric acid and hydrogen is released as a gas. The breaking of bonds would absorb energy therefore forming an exothermic reaction. Hydrogen and chorine however form a very strong covalent bond. Covalent bonds form between atoms with similar electronegative forces and are there for take a lot of energy to break ( Anissimov, 2008, pg 1) Since the endothermic change is weak and the exothermic change is strong it can be predicted that the overall change will be exothermic and therefore the solution will heat up. Temperature change in a chemical reaction can be measured with a device known as a calorimeter. A calorimeter measures the heat of the solution before the reaction has occurred and then again after the reactant has been added (Whel, 2008, pg 1). These two values can be mathematically manipulated to find the relative change in temperature. If two of the same substance have different masses it means there is more of the one substance. In a mass of a substance there is a certain amount of material that can be reacted. By increasing mass the amount of substance that may be reacted increases. Therefore if mass increased the amount that of substance reacted will increase as well providing there is enough of the reactant. This will in turn increase the energy change. Also if more of the substance reacts with the reactant more of the reactant will be used up. This means that if the magnesium is increased there will be more reaction with hydrochloric acid; this means that more hydrogen will be released as gas and the total mass of the solution will decrease. Henceforth the change in heat should be greater if their entire solution is lighter as more of the hydrochloric acid has been reacted and hydrogen lost as a gas. How the reaction works (Figure 1) Mg(s)+ 2HCL (aq)—— (MgCl2(aq)+H2 (g) 1.1.0- Controlling variables 1.1.1- Variables (Table 1) Variable Type of variable Method for control Mass of magnesium Independent Mass will change for each sample, sample range will be 2g, 4g, 6g, 8g and 10g Heat change Dependent This will be calculated by subtracting the final heat of the solution by the initial heat of the solution. The data will be gathered by using a calorimeter Change in mass in solution Dependent This will be calculated by measuring the weight of the solution and subtracting the weight of the calorimeter and the magnesium. The original mass not including calorimeter and the magnesium will then be subtracted by this value to mind the change of mass in the solution. Initial temperature Controlled The temperature of the solution will be heated to 25c and the reaction started immediately. External temperature Controlled The room temperature will be controlled at 24c Volume of hydrochloric acid Controlled The volume of hydrochloric acid will be 40mls per sample. Measuring apparatus Controlled A 50ml calorimeter with electronic thermometer and a scale with milligram accuracy. Time of experiment Controlled The experiment will be ended when reaction is fully complete and reaction will be given 10 seconds to calibrate before results are taken Replications Controlled Standard 5 replications of each sample will be performed. 1.1.2- Control used in comparison- The reacted samples will be compared against hydrochloric acid with no magnesium that is also 25 degrees Celsius. Since the temperature remains constant there should be no energy or mass change, this would mean that on a graph this would represent a straight line which others samples with energy changes (heat changes) could be compared to. – Bibliography Ng, H.N, 2008, Acid reactions, Vat.Gov.Un, Accessed 21/08/09, Asset, M.A, 2008, Chemical Enthalpy,, Accessed 21/08/09, Newton, R.N, 2008, Energetics and bonding, Unknown sponsor, Accessed 21/08/09, Anissimov, T.A, 2007 Chemical bonding, Simon Frasier University, Accessed 21/08/09, Whel, L.W, 2006, Calorimeters, Stanford University, Accessed 21/08/09, Acknowledgments The procedure of this experiment is a adaption of a previous class experiment. The source of the procedure is unknown, so thanks to Miss Crook for the inspirations for this design.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Comparing William Bradford and John Smith

He defined himself as â€Å"a person for study as well as action; and hence notwithstanding the difficulties which he passed in his 2) Also he stated â€Å"The crown of all his life was his holy, prayerful, watchful and fruitful walk with God, wherein he was exemplary. † (122) Bradford did not believe In reforming the Church of England from wealth and there for moved and lived in the Netherlands for 12 years. Then decided to take the Journey to Virginia.He believed the colony of Plymouth would be a special providence. His journey was to have religious freedom and live In a place they way God Intended. John Smith on the other hand comes from a military background In which he had earned his captaincy. Smith next Joined the Austrian army in its continuing war (1593-1606) against the Turks, and while in the Austrian service, he fought valiantly in Hungary and was promoted to Smith was more interested in adventure than religion.Smith In ways was conceited and speaks of himself In great grander. His reputation had preceded him and the men who wanted to colonize Jamestown choose Smith to Join the voyage. John Smith agreed to the Journey to explore the land and possibly find economical gain. Smith is more interested in making a name for himself than serving a higher purpose. Bradford references God throughout his book of Plymouth Plantation for the many occurrences they endure throughout the Journey.Bradford describes sickness of certain passengers, â€Å"But it pleased God they came before half seas over, to smite this young man with a grievous disease, of which he died In desperate manner and so was himself the first thrown overboard. Thus his curses lightened on his own head; and it was an astonishment to all his fellows, for they noted it to be Just the hand of God upon him. † (131) John Smith on the other hand will reference God in things he cannot explain. In Smith's The General History of Flagella, New England and the Summer Isles, he states. But now all provision spent, the sturgeon gone, all the helps abandoned, each hour expecting the fury of the savages, when God the patron of all good endeavors, in that desperate extremity so changed the hearts of the savages, that they brought such plenty of their fruits, and provision, as no man wanted. † (84) Since Smith could not fix the lack of provisions he then offers the explanation that God intervened. Bradford and the passengers which he referred to as pilgrims had constructed he Mayflower Compact. The Mayflower Compact was the document that united the pilgrims and the preservation of the colony.The Compact states, â€Å"In the name of God Amen. We whose names are underwritten the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland king, 1 OFF of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutu ally in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves gather into a civil body politic. † (138-139)God is involved in every aspect of the colony.After the arrival to Jamestown Smith was appointed to managing tasks of others. Even though others were doing work to help the colony, Smith spoke of himself doing the hardest and most work. Smith writes, â€Å"to Captain Smith: who by his own example, good words, and fair promises, set some to mow, others to bind thatch, some to build houses, others to thatch them, himself always bearing the greatest of task for his own share, so that in short time, he provided most of them lodgings, neglecting any for himself. (85) Smith does not mention God but gives himself most of the credit in preparations for the colony.Bradford colony began to have sickness but after sometime many recovered, Bradford gave credit to the Lord for such happenings. Bradford states, â€Å"The spring now approaching, it pleased God the mo rtality began to cease amongst them, and the sick and the lame recovered apace, which put as it were new life into them, though they had borne their sad affliction with much patience and contentedness, as I think any people could do. â€Å"(43) Bradford seeing Plymouth as a divine place God is leading hem to, people who live through sickness are meet to arrive by God's will.Even at the end of Smith's account he thanks God but not for God's divine help but for his own skills. Smith states, â€Å"l thank God I never undertook anything yet [for which] any could tax me of carelessness or dishonesty, and what is he to whom I am indebted or troublesome? Ah! Were these my accusers but to change cases and places with me[for] but two years, or till they had done but so much as I, it may be they would Judge more charitably of my imperfections. † (93) Throughout Bradford and Smith's accounts both write about the hardships of the rip and the life in the colonies.The two writers face man y of the same events; such as running out of food, facing sickness, and dealing with the Native Americans. Though there is a large difference in the two accounts. Bradford does not boast about his own capabilities. The whole reason that Bradford and the others made the journey is because of God, as it was God's will. Smith writes more for a personal level. He brags of his abilities as a solider, leader and explorer. He only mentions God when things are not in his skills or cannot explain that occurrence. UnlikeBradford which would name God for his means to lead, John Smith does not but gives himself praise. In the time that both pieces were written religion and God had a large influence on people's choices and every life. It was not very common for someone to author a piece like John Smith had done with not much reference and honor given to God. Unlike Bradford referencing God for the very event of colonization of Plymouth, Smith promoted himself as the hero and encouraged other men like him to come. Bradford wanted men of God. Beam Nina. â€Å"John Smith† The Norton Anthology American Literature.

Does God Exist Essay

In this busy world where almost everything is explained by Science and evidence, no one seems to bother questioning the existence of God. They are either apathetic or simply decided to be atheists or agnostics. Many people, especially the youth, are apathetic. They would rather preoccupy themselves with the newest game of Playstation 3, Hollywood blockbuster movies, sexy music videos of Paris Hilton, sports car, and other more exciting things. Topics of religion and faith are none of their businesses for these are the problems of the priests, pastors, and other faith defenders. They believe that they are too young to care and the important thing is that they do belong to a certain religion, attend some religious obligations, and those would be enough and will serve as â€Å"tickets† to their salvation. But do they understand what they are doing? Do they know what God they are worshipping to? Do they really reflect if they really want the religion they’re into, or they just go with the flow? Others would simply negate that there is a God. These are the atheists. They do not believe in a Supreme Being who creates and controls everything simply because they do not want to. Then, there are those who play safe, the agnostics. They do not confirm nor deny the existence of God just because no one can prove both arguments. Another belief is that of Scientology. Their stand is the only things that are true in this world are those, which can be explained by Science and supported by evidences. Obviously, they do not have a God. The question now is what do we get with these different views. What happens if we believe in God or not? Are we free from the sufferings of this world if we chose to believe in Him? The answer is no. Mr.  Tom Cruise, who is in Scientology, seems to get all the luck in the world even if he does not believe in God. Mother Theresa of Calcutta, who devoted her life caring for the unfortunate, suffered and died as a poor nun. Has she changed the lives of the poor she took cared of? No. The Philippines, a Catholic country, belongs to the Third World where people die of hunger, experience heinous crimes, and suffer from poverty. On the other hand, parts of Europe and United States, where religion and faith seem to be buried under material aspirations, are among the 1st World countries. Ironically, those who have deep faith are the ones who bear all the cruelties in this world, while those who do not have been quite lucky. How unfair life is, isn’t it? But our religious leaders are ready for their standard answers – â€Å"Better suffer here on earth! The more you suffer, the greater the reward awaiting for you in your after life! † So, let’s all suffer despite our goodness. Isn’t it logical? One day a child asked me if there’s a God and I said yes. Then, she asked again why could not she see Him? I couldn’t simply tell her to close her eyes, just have faith, and believe for this won’t answer her question. I couldn’t just tell her that I have Master Yoda’s â€Å"Force† with me and she should believe it. I have to show it to her and let her feel it. I have to give her something that she would understand. It was not the atheists or agnostics, who are closed to the fact that God exists I had to convince, it was a curious girl wanting to know God’s existence. I have to give her a logical explanation for all of these. St. Thomas Aquinas offered 5 reasonable ways to prove God’s existence. First, he believes that there has to be an â€Å"Unmoved Mover. † At this point, I picked up a stone and threw it away. Then, I asked the girl if who made the stone moved. She eagerly replied, â€Å"You! † I said she was very smart. Then I asked her again who moved me to pick up the stone and threw it. She replied, â€Å"God? † The first argument of St. Thomas has 3 basic facts – one, that nothing can move itself; two, if an object is dependent on another in order for it to move, then the first object in motion also needed a mover; and three, the first mover should be unmoved, and this could be God. Tired of walking, we sat on a wooden bench. I asked the girl if she knew the maker of that beautiful bench, the replied she made was it’s the carpenter. I then asked her if she had an idea who made the carpenter. She frowned and whispered, â€Å"his parents? † Again, I asked her who made the carpenter’s parents’ ancestors? Isn’t it God? St. Aquinas’ second way is the causation of existence. He believes that there must have been an â€Å"Uncaused First Cause† who created everything and began the chain of existence. Related to this is St. Aquinas’ 3rd way or the â€Å"contingent and necessary beings. A bench is a contingent being made by wood that came from a tree; man planted that, and who was created by whom? There must be something/someone at the end who created all contingents. St. Thomas Aquinas believes that every contingent being should be dependent form a necessary being for them to exist and that there must exist a being which is necessary to cause contingent beings – this could be God. The small girl looked perplexed with all of the explanations I was giving her. I diverted her attention by asking him to compare Mr. Brad Pitt and Mr. Tom Cruise, of which of the two were more handsome. She immediately replied, â€Å"Brad Pitt! † I then told her that even if Mr. Pitt has a slight edge over Mr. Cruise, there has to be someone more handsome than Pitt or this may even be the most handsome of all handsome. This is the gradient of beauty or perfection. One has to be compared to another that may have more or less. And this is the 4th way of St. Thomas, the â€Å"argument from degrees of perfection. † He believes that there are grades or degrees of perfection and that there must be a perfect standard by which all qualities are measured and compared with, this could be God. While resting, I asked her if she has been taught in her school about the different human systems, i. e. circulatory, nervous, digestive, and others. She said no. I asked then how about symbiotic relationships, photosynthesis, and formation of clouds, which she again had no knowledge in. But she said that she knew where the food goes after it was eaten. Then, I asked her if she was not perplexed by how systematic nature works. It is easier to accept that there must be an â€Å"Intelligent Engineer† who planned all of these rather than these were all products of a big explosion. St. Thomas last way talks about an â€Å"Intelligent Designer†, someone or something must have done these, and this could be God. I am not sure if all of my explanations were enough for the girl to believe in God, but what I have presented, based on St. Aquinas’ 5 Ways, were all basics in life. We experience them daily. These are evidences just enough to convince ourselves that someone or something must be in control, caused things, and moved things. This someone may be the creator of everything, including love, happiness, pain, and suffering. These logical evidences may be still absorbed by a child, but not for atheists. Non-believers would argue that, granting there is a God, who is all-powerful, all good, and all knowing, why does he let certain things happen. Why does he let the plane with a suicide bomber inside to land in the World Trade Center killing a lot of innocent people? If Superman, a fictional character, can stop a plane from crashing, so why cannot this Someone who is omnipotent? If this Someone is all good, why can he let this happen? If he’s all-knowing, then he knew that it was bound to happen and he didn’t do anything to prevent it. I cannot personally provide an answer to all of these doubts that are sufficient for them to believe. But what I do believe is that maybe, crimes like this, were part of the â€Å"master plan† of the Intelligent Designer. † Maybe, what is â€Å"perfect† for him is different from our own concept here on earth. Every abstract painting must look chaotic and one cannot figure it out easily. But when you see its meaning, you begin to appreciate and treat it as an art. Maybe, this is really what life should be. Probably, the beauty of life includes sufferings, cruelties, chaos, and other unacceptable facts. Relative to why God allowed such crime to happen, I believe that He is just respecting the law of nature. He created man to be intelligent and free, thus, he has all the freedom to do whatever he wants to. But of course, in every action there is a consequence, and man should face that. If he decided to eat more then he’ll have himself full and a possibility of stomach ache. The same goes with killing. If one wants to take others lives into his own hands then he can. But this act does not differentiate man from animals or other lower beings. An additional feature was given by the Intelligent Designer exclusive to man, which is conscience. After we knew the rightness or wrongness of an act, we have this conscience if we feel we have done something wrong. That’s the way it is, that’s human nature. And God respects it. God does not want the plane to crash, the suicide bomber wanted it. God, maybe, allowed it for He has a greater plan and there’s something good coming from that crime. The crash was terrible, people died, but it made Americans pray hard at least for a day. It caused them to unite to fight against terrorism. It caused them their humility that they do not control their lives even though their powerful. Proving God’s existence is almost impossible if you’re convincing an atheist or an agnostic. But it is not our duties to force others to believe in each of our own faiths. There are so much complexities in a religion, whether its Catholic, Moslem, Scientology, or even Atheists. Perpetual debates are heard daily claiming that their religion is the legitimate one, often times causing a fight between its pastors. But we tend to forget the basic and primal fact of being a human, which is to cause harmony to all mankind. Being human is to show love, respect, and service to everyone. I think in the end, when we face our Creator, religion would not be our only pass to salvation, but on how many lives we inspired and changed for the betterment of the world. Aren’t we tired of proving God’s existence? People spend a lot of time and resources looking for evidences of His existence just to correlate Science and Faith. Yes, there are unexplainable things such as violence, crimes, cruelties, and other unfairness of this world, that cast doubts to His existence, but we still manage to live. There is still air to breathe, food to eat, and water to drink. We don’t need a grand miracle of dead people rising to life and water turning into wine. Miracles happen daily from the moment we wake up and live for another day. It is not God who should prove His existence to us because it is obvious thru the wonders of this world. It is we, man, who should prove our existence to Him. Let us prove to Him that despite the materialistic and busy world we live in, human goodness still exists.

Monday, July 29, 2019

4 P's of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

4 P's of Marketing - Essay Example An increasing effort and funds are invested in R&D to enlarge the number of products and to improve them. Hilti only continues making a product if it is confirmed that it matches the needs of the customers and critically gain a competitive advantage over that of their rivals. These products are of high quality and are highly reliable. This is crucial for the company since it is dealing with deadlines and at the same time maintaining its reputation. The products last for long and are efficient at the construction site. The price for a particular product also determines the success of the company. Thus, the prices should be sensitive to the customer and comparative to those of the other competitors. This makes customers able to purchase the products willingly without the feeling of mistreat by the high price of a product. Hilti Company has ensured the same by having a fair pricing concept that focuses more on the potential of the customer than the volume. It also offers a complete transparency in their prices on their company’s online centers and the business centers. The company is divided into three potential categories, base, middle and top. The base level potential also known as the basis template is where one price of the product is offered for all industries. The mid-level potential is associated with a sophisticated industry template (Brennan, Canning & McDowell, 2010, p.134). Special agreements for the prices are only for the best third of the mid-level customers. Special agreements are offered for the best two-third of the customers on the top level potential. There is usually a special agreement every year to align these potential levels. (Strauss and Frost, R., 2012) The products should be readily available to places, which are easily accessible to the customers. A company may employ methods employed by its competitors or a better channel

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Masters Prepared Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Masters Prepared Nurse - Essay Example "The Hospital That Could Cure Health Care" in the December 2009 Newsweek talks about the Cleveland Clinic. This is a the hospital that President Obama visited in July to determine what efficient healthcare was like. The Cleveland Clinic has such things as a miniature robot that repairs a heart valve through an inch long incision, a computer system that allows doctors to read patients charts and write orders from anywhere in the world and interactive supply closets. When a nurse removes something from a supply shelf, the supply is registered and a self guided robot cart brings replacements from the warehouse. They are an upscale hospital who built their efficiency after the Toyota factory and the Japanese inspired lean thinking model (Adler & Interlandi, 2009) The CEO here is unusual and forward thinking. He has already banned the hiring of smokers and does urine tests on employees for nicotine. He presently wants a policy to ban hiring people who are obese but the law will not yet allow him to do that. Things like potato chips have been banned from the hospital vending machines. However, Cleveland Clinic has produced the most cost efficient care in the United States in the last two years.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Describe the elements of the communication process and explain the Term Paper

Describe the elements of the communication process and explain the process of interpersonal communication. Discuss the Barriers - Term Paper Example As a sender, he can talk directly to the employees, or send an email requesting to have a meeting with them on a particular date. In this case, the perception of the receiver on the message sent influences the manner in which communication is interpreted, received and responded to. For that reason, the sender should be fully aware of the purpose of the communication and the receiver’s aptitude to decode and comprehend the message as far as interest and language is concerned (Hesse par 2). The Message Messages take various forms and can include signs, symbols or words. To avoid distortion, the sender must ensure that the message is simple and clear. Moreover, the receiver should take care of the body language such as facial expression if the message is to be communicated verbally. Finally, the sender must consider the abilities and the competence of the receiver, when creating a message, to reduce barriers that might hinder effective communication (Priya 5-6). For example, a ma nager who needs information from an employee on how to increase profits and heighten employee retention must ensure that he or she communicates in a language that the worker understands. Additionally, he must make sure that the employee is competent enough in that area; hence, the ideas given are credible enough to be taken into consideration. The Channel Priya (5) assert that the channels of communication play an imperative role in communication; hence, senders should select an appropriate channel or medium of communication to ensure that the message is not distorted. Examples of channels of communication are e-mail, phones, radio, television and internet among others. If an advertiser decides to place an advert in the radio or television, for instance, he should consider the audience or the people who will listen or see the advert. In that case, he must ensure that the intended people get to listen to the advert, and that the right language is used to avoid misinterpretation. It i s essential for businesses to choose when and how they will send their messages. A building society can, for example, only send messages about a new product to their members by email or text if that is the agreed channel of communication. It should be understood that sending of messages through the internet to persons who cannot receive an email results to miscommunication. Receiver The receiver or the decoder is the person who is responsible for decoding or extracting the meaning from the message conveyed. He or she ensures that a feedback is sent to the sender, and his work is mainly to interpret the message. In that case, for the message to be effectively understood and right feedback given, the receiver should be able to read and understand what has been written down. If not, this may lead to distortion of the message by the decoder, and an equally wrong feedback (Priya 5-6). Feedback Feedback is the most vital element in the communication process as it helps in determining whet her the receiver grasped the intended meaning. Without a feedback, the communication process remains incomplete. For instance, when one sends a short message through the phone to a friend and fails to get a feedback, it is likely that the intended recipient did not get the message, or did not understand it. In that case, the language used is imperative and both parties should communicate in a

Friday, July 26, 2019

ABC Company Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

ABC Company Final - Assignment Example In the US alone there are, several companies dealing with the same product of Cedar roofing and siding shingles. Therefore, ABC Company has a large market to supply to raising its market share although in a very competitive market. ABC Company is a company that specializes in making cedar roofing and siding shingles. It has a 25% sales margin and has a growth target of three million in the next three years. Besides the competition, the demand for roofing sidings and shingles remains high because of the high rate of forthcoming real estate ventures. Apart from facing competition generated by several other companies, dealing with cedar in production of roofing and siding shingles, ABC tends to, also face high competition resulting from products manufactured using iron and clay, companies that operate in the same market. The prevailing fact is that, cedars products have do have a higher competitive gain over similar products that are made of iron and clay. There is also a little disadva ntage of cedar roofing and siding products, the prices tend to be too high thus scaring away potential customer, who resolves to cheaper iron products. ABC Company has a high chance of maintaining its development with minimal deviation from either downwards or upwards. The deviations could be because of the tough economic patterns forcing many homeowners who would prefer cheaper clay or iron products or clay products that are meant for their roofing and siding. ... I. Risk profile for ABC Company A risk profile evaluates an organization willingness to take risks as well as the threats to which an organization is exposed. Acceptable level of risk With a target growth of 3000,000, in the next three years, the risk associated with the growth should be laid out. The risk in introduction of a new product should also be included to ascertain the amount of risk ABC Company can take. As much as expansion comes to pave way for leverage on the skill in employees and the state of their manufacturing facilities, the risk involved should be evaluated to see whether the expansion will reduce or increase current risk. Possible threats One of the biggest threats will include competitors. The question here is; how much risk is already there and in presence of competitors, how much are they willing to expand or change to gain more consumers? The answer will be found once they evaluate risk associated with competition Another threat is that of trying to find addi tional products to leverage on their employee skill set and manufacturing facilities. Introduction of the products depends on probability, which in itself has high risk. The skill set and manufacturing facilities are certain Key risk areas The company’s has had a profit increase of 25% from the previous year. They will have to maintain of better that outcome and with the introduction of a new idea will increase on costs. They have to ensure their cash flow is on a positive trend. This will ensure positive cash flows that will encourage investment. In addition, another key risk area is on the financing of the project. They have to ensure that they pick the

Thursday, July 25, 2019


THE ROLE OF NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATION(NGOs) IN THE FORMULATION OF EFFECTIVE MARITIME POLICIES - Essay Example NGOs influence the formulation of maritime policy through the various roles they play in the society. The marine policy is the sector of private and public policies that looks into marine conservation and protection (Roe, 2013, p.411). In respect to the system, they are established in accordance with both national and international laws and regulation. Also, it requires consideration of maritime labor, ocean laws, policy, and managements as well as maritime security and defense. The Integrated Maritime Policy endeavors to provide a more logical approach to marine issues, which improves coordination between diverse policy areas (Roe, 2013, p. 413). First, the plan focuses on the issues that are not covered under one sector-based policy, for instance, blue growth that checks on economic growth in relation to various maritime sectors. Second, it deals with issues that need the coordination of dissimilar sectors and actors, for example, maritime knowledge and data. The other areas of concern include maritime spatial planning, integrated maritime surveillance and sea basin strategies. In exploring the roles and goals of NGOs towards the maritime policy formulation, this essay focuses on four NGOs. First, we have the Greenspace NGO. Secondly, the essay focuses on the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The International Union For The Conservation Of Nature (IUCN) is the third NGO. Finally, the essay will explore the Green Reef NGO. These NGOs have their areas of specification in relation to International Maritime Organization (IMO) requirements. IMO fights for the conservation of the sea and ocean waters as well as the aquatic life in those waters (International Maritime Organization, 2011, p. 4). Greenspace NGO, established in the year 2003, operates mainly in the Americas’ territories in the United States (Douglas & James, 2015, p. 462). Greenspace, NCR, Inc. refers to a non-profit

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reaction Paper on the book The Souls of Black Folk Essay

Reaction Paper on the book The Souls of Black Folk - Essay Example The book portrays a new direction of his thinking. He writes passionately about the spirit of African-Americans and how they have succeeded in maintaining their humanity and strength in spite of centuries of oppression of the worst kind. According to Du Bois the best, and perhaps the only way, African Americans could rise above their situation was to understand their circumstances and embrace intellectualism and. Some critics felt that he should have advocated a more aggressive kind of social change but I believe that it was the right approach. Du Bois shows how a veil has been put over African-Americans and how others are unable to see them as they are. Race prejudice is the lens through which they are viewed. It is this veil that has created "double consciousness", a situation where the blacks see themselves in two ways, one what they think about themselves and the other how others view them. Du Bois’ feels that this veil on human beings divides the identity of the blacks. He describes this situation thus:† this twoness—an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings . . . in one dark body.† (Du Bois, 1903) This is wrong and must be condemned. He wants the reader to understand that the African-Americans have a cultural identity of their own and all Americans must acknowledge and respect this. Some scholars felt that his concept of double consciousness is a defining moment in the history of African-American thought. Here I have to say that Du Bois’ description of how an African American feels in America is excellent. The words â€Å"He simply wishes to make it possible for a man to be both a Negro and an American, without being cursed and spit upon by his fellows, without having the doors of Opportunity closed roughly in his face† are truly powerful. Du Bois through his essays wants us to realize that silent acceptance of racism

Cola Wars Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cola Wars - Case Study Example In the 21st century, Coke and Pepsi face the new era trying to ascertain if the wars would still continue on the ‘cola’ products and ultimately discern the location of their future battlefield. External scanning of Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola The case is designed to specifically address the following concerns: a) Why, historically, has the soft-drink industry been so profitable? A discussion of the US soft drink industry revealed that the soft drink industry was actually pioneered with the invention of Coke in 1886 and Pepsi in 1893. Both companies captured the taste of the American public in their ability to quench the thirst of their target markets through the innovatively concocted carbonated drinks. These companies’ product life cycles rationalize the profitability during their historical growth, from the introductory stage, to growth and maturity. During the introductory to growth stages, more and more people who were able to try their CSDs recognized the abilit y of the product to satisfy consumers’ needs: quenching thirst, building relationships, sharing moments, and socializing, among others. Case facts revealed that the historical consumption of CSD have continued to exhibit increasing trend since the 1970s when 23 gallons were consumed by the Americans annually and rose substantially to 52.3 gallons per year by 2004 (Case facts: Exhibit 1, p. 16). The increase in consumption reveals continued increase in demand for CSDs that validate and rationalize the profitability of the soft drink industry. In fact, due to the prolific demand for Coke during its introductory stage, several trademark infringements were legally tried in court attesting to the lure of high profit potentials of the CSD business. Further, expansion into other countries significantly contributed to financial success and enhanced brand awareness and recall on a global scale. Other factors that contributed to the profitability of the soft drink industry were the reg ular updates and design of strategies that innovate the images of both Coke and Pepsi. By designing new product alternatives, advertisements and promotional campaigns, and distribution outlets and strategies, more varieties were offered to the consumers and price off discounts enabled more people to avail of the products at cheaper prices. By offering product alternatives, such as the diet sodas, consumers were receiving benefits in terms of consuming less sugar in their sodas. In addition, the strategies of working to improve â€Å"system profitability† by concerted efforts of concentrate makers and bottlers enabled the soft drink industry to revitalize and retain financial success. Finally, when the demand for CSD reportedly reached a plateau in the US market, both Coke and Pepsi scanned international markets for their products. As emphasized in the case, â€Å"waging the cola wars in non-U.S. markets enabled Coke and Pepsi not only to expand revenue, but also to broaden t heir base of innovation† (Case Facts: Internationalizing the Cola Wars, p. 15). The secret to the profitability of the soft drink industry therefore lies in innovating the 4Ps in marketing: product, price, promotion and place and ensure entrenched leadership on a global scale. Further, the application of strategies in their respective advertising campaigns has

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Linux Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Linux - Assignment Example Enterprise version of Red Hat supports both server and workstation systems, which eradicates the compatibility issues that could have occurred if other versions may have used. Various different flavors of Red Hat make it beneficial, which can be purchased depending on the services that are required. For a full working IT department in an organization a simple version of customer support can be also be purchased for reducing cost. A complete version of support is also available upon requirement. When it comes to reliability, Red Hat Linux is considered to be the most stable and reliable Operating System. (Negus, & Boronczyk, 2008, p. 191-192)The main disadvantage of using Red Hat is that it is not free. Even downloadable version also involves cost and also subsequent support services. There are various versions different versions of Red Hat are available in the market. These version can be purchased directly from Red Hat Inc or through there distributors. They are as follows: Workstat ions Specifications Basic Workstation Dual CPU supports, memory support is unlimited, no virtualization available Multi OS Workstation Dual CPUs, unlimited memory, and virtualization available Server Specifications Red Hat Enterprise Linux Dual CPU server supports. Available for both 32bit and 64 bit architecture. Support available in three forms basic, standard and premium Has four virtual guests support Its advance version support server of all sizes along with unlimited virtual guests and storage Community Enterprise Operating System (CentOS) CentOS was developed by CentOS project community using the source code of commercial Linux (Red Hat). (Baclit,  2009, p.  xxi-xxii) The purpose behind this development was to provide a free and stable version of commercial Linux distribution and also to keep up with the requirements of an Enterprise. CentOS enabled the Enterprise standard Linux for general public without requiring purchasing it or signing a service contract. CentOS have pre-installed GUI interfaces GNOME and KDE, which makes it easier for the user to use this system. For avoiding legal issues CentOS doesn’t included DVD player software in it which can be termed as its drawback, but users can install a DVD payer through internet if required. It is most popular distribution of Linux used for web servers today. (Membrey, Verhoeven, & Angenendt, 2009, p. xx-xx) Reliability, low cost and ease of use are major factors for its popularity. CentOS do not require different license for each machine as compared to Microsoft Windows products. Once loaded on disk, then can be installed on as many servers or workstation as the user required, allows greater compatibility between both without any major performance issues. Online blogs, forums and websites are general support for CentOS. Feedbacks around globe shows that people using CentOS as workstation or server had never faced any serious issue. Several people who have used this distribution reported that no serious issue has been faced in both of its form i.e. workstation and server. Novell Novell is a known Linux leader; its distribution is formally known as openSUSE. Major advantage this OS has is its relatively bug free distribution. During development, lots of concentration is given to compatibility and functionalities between openSUSE and programs that will interface is it. (McCallister,  2006, p.  255-256) OpenSUSE is considered as a bit difficult to be installed. But

Monday, July 22, 2019

Trinitarian Theology of Prayer and Healing Essay Example for Free

Trinitarian Theology of Prayer and Healing Essay There has been considerable reflection more recently on the nature of Trinity and its place in church life and theological thinking. Feminists, liberationists, process thinkers, and more traditionalist Catholic and Protestant theologians as well as Eastern Orthodox desire to free the Trinity from its isolation in traditional statements with the consequent lack of relation to practical Christian faith and life. The realization that in the economy of salvation we have to do with God as he is in himself has radically focused thought in a new way on the being and act of God as triune. The double context of salvation and liberation in relation to the Trinity has been the prime reason for renewed interest in the doctrine today and in its practical implications. Recent rejuvenation of the Trinity has owed much to the efforts and success of theologians in laying out a wide range of trinitarian implications. It is as we properly understand God as triune that we win have a right view of the faith, of its doctrines, and of the relevance of all this for every sphere of human life and activity. It is in many ways remarkable that this insight, always latent in our traditions, has now, almost suddenly and unexpectedly, emerged as a central aspect of current theology. Current thinking is very varied; here the work will concentrate on that which relates directly a trinitarian basis and the implication for our understanding of the nature and goal of healing. Before we go on to do this in some detail in the work, we must say something about the Trinity itself as the general framework for understanding religious diversity. After discussing that general framework, we will indicate some of its implications for Christianitys internal life. Trinity means the reality of one God who is three persons. There are not three Gods somehow joined together, which would be explicit tritheism, nor can one envisage the three persons as together making up the Deity. This would reduce the â€Å"persons† to partial gods and mean that the Trinity was some kind of mathematical conundrum. Nor can the unity in Trinity be seen as simply a variety of attributes or perfections which constitute the being of God. Rather, the Trinity affirms that while each person is wholly divine both per se and in relation to the others, there is only one God. Gods being is a unity in Trinity and not otherwise. This naturally excludes the view that one can begin with a different conception of unity to which the Trinity must in some measure conform. It also indicates that the being of God as one can only be known as mystery in the actions of his grace and salvation in Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit or, to put it otherwise, in revelation and reconciliation. But if God is the one God as the Father sending the Son by the Holy Spirit, how do these three persons or ways of Gods being in action express his unity? That is the question. Two main answers have been given but elaborated in various ways. The first favored by the Orthodox East and by many Western theologians today is summarized cryptically as â€Å"being in relationship† or â€Å"being as communion† or â€Å"ontorelational unity† (Vanhoozer 188). The second traditional Western view sees the persons as inhering in the being of God as the focus of unity. Christians believe God is intrinsically relational. Salvation is communion with the triune God. Salvation is not a realization of pure identity, the unity of one absolute Self, a one without a second. That religious end would be relationless, because there is nothing outside the One with which to relate. Any relation of the One to something outside it could only be a diminishment or contamination of the divine perfection. Salvation is also not emptiness, the dissipation of any continuing consciousness of being at all. This too is a relationless end. In the first case there was one absolute with nothing/no one to relate with. In this case it is not the absence of an other that rules out relation, but the radical insubstantiality even of one. Instead of one without a second to relate with, we might regard this end as pure relation, with no â€Å"ones† — distinct persons or entities — to have the relation. These religious ends differ from salvation because they exclude relation itself, seeing it as extrinsic to religious fulfillment. In that light, salvation appears too interactive, too wedded to difference. Christians believe that the understanding of God as Trinity, the understanding whose catalyst is the incarnation of Christ, allows us to grasp key features of Gods character and Gods relation with us. If relationship itself is an impossible, unnecessary, or counterproductive religious aim, then this belief is in error. But if relation is truly an irreducible component of the religious end, then characterizations of God are not only passing tools. They are in some measure constitutive of that end. Salvation is shaped by a particular vision of the God with whom we are in relation. Here we glimpse the way in which Christ is integral to salvation, both embodying the relation with God that constitutes salvation and distinctively representing to us the nature of the God with whom we have communion in salvation. The Trinity is not about levels of divine being but about dimensions of God. Height, length, and width are features of a whole body and of every part of it, and yet the three are not the same. If emanations from God or acts of God are put on a ladder of being, then humans, who are farther down the ladder of creation, can relate only to the rungs immediately above or below them. Ultimate divinity lies further above and beyond. If the three divine persons of the Trinity are treated in this way, they become levels of being. But in fact no person of the Trinity is a lower or earlier step, and none is â€Å"less far in† to God. For the Christian, salvation is not passing beyond the Spirit to the Son or the Son to the Father. Salvation is participation in the divine life that is the communion among the three persons. The doctrine of the Trinity has its basis in Gods self-revelation in Israel and in Jesus Christ his Son by the Holy Spirit. In other words, it is to be found exclusively in this revelation as the Scriptures bear witness to it. This positive affirmation carries a negative within it. Since the unity of God is a unity in trinity no other conceived or supposedly proven unity of God is a Christian conception of the true God. Traditional doctrine has sometimes been at fault here. It brought a division into the whole conception of God beginning with a general doctrine of the one God and his attributes on the basis of some biblical material or philosophical proofs and then went on to speak of God as triune. This clearly has various dangers which are being recognized today. It could lead to the Trinity being subordinated to an already preconceived idea of God with a consequent weakening and undermining of its true nature in a modalistic way. Again, it could be seen as a creator God as Father being largely divorced from Son and Holy Spirit so that the Father was known otherwise than by faith, whereas Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit were the true objects of our belief and worship. This could bring a serious division into our conception of the Trinity, endangering the equality and nature of the persons and misunderstanding their mutual relationships. This dichotomy in the doctrine of God meant a real difficulty too in relating it to Christian life, faith, and worship. Augustine considers what is involved in the perfection of the image of God in humanity when through exercise of the trinity of faith the mind is purified and comes to contemplate God the Trinity. The image of God in the soul is memory, understanding and love, which is manifested (and can never be ultimately lost) when the mind remembers itself, loves itself and knows itself, but which is truly the image because it is the capacity the soul has to remember, know and love God and it is in such cleaving to God that the image is perfected: When its cleaving to him has become absolute, it will be one spirit with him . . . The mind will be raised to the participation of his being, truth and bliss, though nothing thereby be added to the being, truth and bliss which is its own. In that being, joined to it in perfect happiness, it will live a changeless life and enjoy the changeless vision of all that it will behold (Cavadini 103). What is happening here is less the souls ascent to God than the souls submitting to be refashioned by God: â€Å"the beginning of the images reforming must come from him who first formed it. The self which it was able to deform, it cannot of itself reform† (Cavadini 115). It is a process which begins in the moment of baptism, and is perfected in a long gradual process of penitence and endurance: â€Å"the cures beginning is to remove the cause of the sickness: and that is done through the forgiveness of sins. Its furtherance is the healing of the sickness itself, which takes effect by gradual progress in the renewal of the image† (Cavadini 121). The souls return to God is the perfecting within it of the image of God in which it was created. It is a movement away from the â€Å"land of unlikeness† in which it finds itself as a result of the fall. But Augustine emphasizes in the last book (XV) of De Trinitate that the likeness to God we have discovered in humanity is no equality: it is a likeness between two utterly different beings, God and the creature, and so he says, foreshadowing the language of the fourth Lateran Council, that we must â€Å"rather discern in its measure of likeness a greater unlikeness too† (Cavadini 122). For the love of God, beware of illness as much as you can, so that as far as possible your self is not the cause of any weakness . . . For the love of God, control your body and soul with great care, and keep as fit as you can. Here speaks the positive, life-affirming voice of Christian spirituality, in this case from plague-ridden England of the fourteenth century. The voice is also realistic: â€Å"should illness come in spite of everything, have patience and wait humbly for Gods mercy† (Peel 255). Between the twin poles of the passive acceptance of unavoidable suffering and the active care of health and work for healing, Christian spirituality moves with varying emphases, first in one direction, then in the other. In the twentieth century, Christian spirituality in its literature and practice has moved in the second direction, showing a more challenging attitude towards disease, and a wider concern for human development, personal and social. Wholeness in body, mind and spirit is presented as a goal to which ascetics need not run counter, and should indeed subserve. Wholeness and holiness, if not precisely synonymous, are regarded as related. â€Å"Properly understood, prayer is a mature act which is essential for the complete development of the personality . . . It is only in prayer that we can achieve the complete and harmonious union of body, mind and spirit† (Dr Alexis Carrel, quoted in H. Caffarel 20). The incarnation is seen to have implications for the redemption of every aspect of the worlds activity. At the same time, in society generally, a larger concept of health has begun to take hold, as meaning not merely the absence of sickness, but the realization of human potential. Advances in clinical medicine, pharmacology and psychiatry have helped to create a new climate of expectation. Partly through the growth of nuclear physics and a changed scientific and philosophical outlook, some writers have questioned the very distinction between the physical and the spiritual, as hitherto understood. It is in this changing atmosphere that the Christian ministry of healing, as distinct from forms of faith-healing which deny the value of scientific medicine, has been renewed in the churches. A fruitful meeting-point between spirituality and medicine lies in the fact that it is the vis medicatrix naturae, the recreative power of nature, which brings healing. Physicians and surgeons do not directly heal anybody: they seek by their skills to remove obstacles to natures healing energies, as when they correct chemical imbalances in the body, or take away diseased tissue. Means which touch the human spirit, such as are employed in the ministry of healing by prayer and sacrament, may equally be seen as seeking to liberate and quicken by grace the God-given forces within human nature. Three aspects of the subject attract attention, and developments in each can be expected. Christian Science arose at a time when Protestantism left little room for the teaching and practice of spiritual healing (Kelsey 69). It offered a unique product blend of metaphysics with an unorthodox interpretation of Christian scriptures that appealed to a large number of people during the late 19th century. With the inception of the Pentecostal movement early in the 20th century and its spillover into historic Christian denominations since 1950, healing was once again incorporated with orthodox Christian theology. Despite some obvious similarities between Christian Science and mainline Christian healing groups, very little rapport exists between the two approaches to religious healing. Christian Science accepts as an assumption that illness is a form of evil, and all evil is an illusion (Peel 254). Each person has it within her/himself to counter illusion with truth. As Christian Science foundress Mary Baker wrote: â€Å"That which [God] creates is good, and He makes all that is made. Therefore the only reality of sin, sickness or death is the awful fact that unrealities seem real to human, erring belief, until God strips off their disguise† (Peel 256). Faith in Gods power to heal has to reckon with the fact that there appear to be blocks in a disordered world and within human personality to receiving Gods healing energies. Such obstacles may be moral, in the form of unrepented sin. They may also be due to emotional disturbances caused by past wounds to the spirit. Inner healing is concerned to bring to light the causes of the inner pain; to help the sufferer to interpret them correctly; and to release the person from the emotional grip of the past. Prayer and meditation play a crucial part in this exodus from captivity. Deeper levels of the mind are reached in contemplative prayer, when the focus is upon God alone, and the soul waits upon him. Inner healing comes also in corporate worship, when the gaze is Godward and the worshipper is lifted by the Spirit out of self-centredness or narrowness of vision. Closer union with God in the depth of the spirit thus brings an integration of the whole person around the new Centre, and it is quite usual for physical health to be improved. Diseases are caught in a diseased society. Environment counts, for better or for worse. â€Å"It is cruel and false to brand every sufferer as a sinner: much suffering and sickness is due to the sin either of other persons, or of society in general† (Peel 269). There is in some churches a growth of less formal kinds of reaching out to minister to the sick in the name of Christ, alongside the sacramental ministries of Eucharist, anointing, laying on of hands, reconciliation of penitents, and occasionally exorcism. The dedicated use by every member of Christ of his or her personal gift of the Spirit enables the local church to become an actively healing community. Where some have a physical gift of healing through the hands (a phenomenon still little understood, though real), they may use it as members of a parish team, and are sometimes licensed by a bishop for a wider ministry. I believe that Jesus Christ is in fact constitutive of healing. Christ is constitutive of healing for all people who attain it. Christ is constitutive in this way not as some separate and additional actor besides God, but precisely as an expression of the triune life of God. Christ is one who comes from the triune life into human life but also one who brings human life into its fullest participation in the triune life. Christ is not extrinsic to the love of God, not only a representation of it, but also the working of it. Christ is in such unity with God that communion with God involves a fundamental relation with Christ. Healing is constituted solely by Gods everlasting love. Christ does not constitute healing; Christ represents the God who does. Ordinary Christian sacraments and preaching can only symbolize God by representing Christ. Christ represents God by constituting these lesser representations. Whereas they represent Gods love by also representing him, he represents Gods love by also constituting them. Christs special role is not to constitute healing but to constitute the Christian symbols for it. Other religions may have their own representations.   The problem with this analysis is that it makes â€Å"Gods everlasting love† an abstract quality and agent, some kind of prior decision in the mind of God, and downplays its personal nature. That love is precisely a feature of the personal communion that is the divine life, of which the second person of the Trinity is a constitutive member. Prior to being an idea or a decision, this love is an event. And Christ, the divine Word, is participant in that event, constitutive of that everlasting love. Likewise the extension of this love to humanity which constitutes healing is not an abstract possibility. The path for human participation in the triune communion is laid in the unity of God and humanity in Christ. Though Christ is certainly the way, in the Christian view, Christ is also the life and the truth in whom we rest and grow while on the way and at the end of the way. The proposition that Christ is the sole savior of the world is not adequately translated by saying that everyone must make use of Christ for at least one crucial moment, long enough to negotiate part of the passage to the promised land of â€Å"salvation,† after which time Christ can be discarded or replaced. In inviting his followers into a relation with God like his own, Jesus presumed that those in such relation were one body that they lived in him and he lived in them, just as Christ lived in God and God in him. Jesus did not counsel his followers to go out and independently approach God as Jesus did. Jesus invited them to share in that relationship by virtue of their connection with him. There is nothing purely instrumental about this: the images and substance are all organic. Communion is the way Christ saves, and it is the salvation that results. Healing seems to be restored as a normal part of the Churchs ministry and of the Christian experience, wherever the Church is alive with faith in Christ. But, as with the mission to evangelize the world, so with the healing work of Christ in his Church, opposition abounds and the story is one of failure as well as success. God reigns, and the word is preached with signs following. But the end is not yet, and in Christian perspective the total healing of people and nations waits for the consummation of all things, when God shall be all in all. Deep dialogue with others can begin with prayer, the deepest dialogue with the Ultimate Other. Within this deepest dialogue, active and receptive prayer processes proposed by the Relational Prayer Model have been related to eastern and western historical descriptions of the prayer of the Holy Name. A comparison of the method and function of the prayer of the Holy Name has revealed several similarities between eastern and western spiritual traditions. These points of common ground between spiritual traditions support the expansion of the original Interpersonal Christian Prayer Model to account for more than a solely western spiritual tradition. In addition, intercultural religious dialogue and prayer between eastern and western spiritual traditions has been developed with several examples. Such religious enculturation could lead to further development and/or revisions of the Relational Prayer Model. Most modern perspectives on the Trinity and worship see prayer as a central aspect of this relationship. The passages in the New Testament that distinguish most clearly between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are those that deal with prayer. Christ as our reconciler and peace giver is the one through whom we have access by one Spirit to the Father. â€Å"It was when he was thinking about prayer that Paul also thought about how in their different ways the Son and the Spirit enable us to approach the Father† (Thompson 70). While all three persons in the Trinity are necessary properly to speak of God as one it is primarily to the Father that the Son and the Spirit lead us in prayer. This is summed up by Paul when he says, â€Å"God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts crying Abba, Father† Thompson 65). Central to this is the Son, who reveals the Father, and whom, when we see, we see the Father. This leads us back to our Lords Prayer and his relation to God where the distinctive name he gives him is â€Å"Father.† Prayer is â€Å"through Jesus Christ our Lord,† that is, through all he was and said and did in his fife, death, and resurrection. He is the way, as well as the truth and the life. If prayer is to the Father and through the Son, it is enabled by the Spirit. Only the Spirit enables us to know God as Father or to confess Jesus as Lord or to pray to the Father in a way that is acceptable to him. The role of Son and Spirit in this is profoundly expressed in Romans. â€Å"Christ who died for us is now our great High Priest and Intercessor by his presence with the Father in the power of his finished work on the cross† (Thompson 96). Yet we can know this and be able to enter into its meaning only by the Holy Spirit. He is the One who lays hold upon our weaknesses by his strength and intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words. Through Christ we become children of God and this relationship is made possible, continued, and brought to its completion by â€Å"his Spirit which dwells in you† (Thompson 98). He is the gift and power of the present and the hope of immortality. It is the Spirit (who is divine) who intercedes for us. God the Father who knows us and our weaknesses knows his own Holy Spirit and God, speaking to us through God, as it were, prays for us and with us as the Spirit, as God wants and as prayer ought to be. At the same time, paradoxically, it is not simply the Spirits prayer but ours as well. So close is the work of Son and Spirit in bringing us to the Father that each is spoken of as Advocate and Intercessor. The trinitarian aspect of prayer has profound significance for worship. It is not seen primarily as our work but Gods own gift through Christ and the Holy Spirit. Thus â€Å"prayer and worship are not primarily hard tasks that God sets us; they are gifts that through his Son and in his Spirit he shares with us† (Thompson 99). The triune God in his life is both one and three in his being and relationships. This insight is applied in relation to the church in two areas, the local and the universal. The New Testament speaks not only of the church but also of the churches. By this is not meant denominations in our modern sense of the term, but the various ecclesiae, the various local communities wherever found. In this sense the churches represent the universal church. Each particular congregation shares in this fullness and totality in both locality and universality. In the diversity of churches or communities the one church appears in each place. One can put it in picture form by saying that the whole universal church looks out in the local church. The Conference of European Churches (C.E.C.) made the point clearly: â€Å"The whole church of Christ is constituted not by adding together part church to part church, but is expressed by the communion of local churches in mutual interpenetration. Conciliar community of churches is thus an integral part of the concept of the trinity† (Bockman 89). By this it means not that church can and should seek to live by and for itself   but, by its very basis and existence, is one with the church universal and must express that relationship analogous to the Trinity, in concrete structured form, however one may interpret this. â€Å"The primary goal of the participation of the church in the mission of God is, as expressed by Christ in his missionary mandate, to make disciples† (Bockman 89). Put otherwise, it is to bring men and women into living fellowship with the triune God and with one another through him. The church is thus not a static product of the Spirits work, but a dynamic instrument in the service of others. â€Å"You are Gods own people that you may declare the wonderful deeds of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light† (Bockman 89). The church is, on the one hand, the provisional result of mission but, on the other hand, it is Gods agent of it. The goal of the church is thus not itself but the world. The church participates in Gods mission to bring to humankind righteousness and salvation and to reconcile a broken creation. There are many avenues for the interpretation of religions. The distinctively Christian way passes through the trinitarian dynamic we have been describing, the heart of a Christian theology of religions. We saw that Trinity is a non-reductive religious ultimate, in whom the three persons and their unique relations subsist as co-equal dimensions of a single communion. This is like a musical polyphony, a simultaneous, non-excluding harmony of difference that constitutes one unique reality. Each voice has its own distinctive character by virtue of its relation with the others. We can equally well say that each receives its special voice by participation in the oneness of the whole musical work. In the trinity we are dealing with three subjects who are reciprocally conscious of each other by reason of one and the same consciousness which the three subjects possess, each in his own proper way. This means that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are conscious of one another through their united consciousness and possession of the one divine essence and therein lies the unity of God. This does not go as far as either the Eastern tradition or the statement of Torrance. It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of the Christian doctrine that God is one in three persons. This has correctly been called the teaching distinctive of the Christian faith, that which sets the approach of Christians to the â€Å"fearful mystery† of the deity apart from all other approaches. To be human is to be separated from God in some degree. To be Christian, the Christian believes, is to be separated from him least. The knowledge of the Trinity which we have from the New Testament is above all personal. We are introduced to the Three and invited to share the happiness of the divine company. This is truly the great mystery of Christianity, the mystery of love. In the New Testament there is none of the remoteness in conceiving God which today tends to separate Christians from their triune Lord. Bibliography Bockman, Peter Wilhelm â€Å"Trinity, Model of Unity Relationship between Unity and Communion the Universal and the Local,† in The Reconciling Power of the Trinity, p. 89. Cf. Moltmann. Cavadini, John â€Å"The Structure and Intention of Augustines De Trinitate,† Augustinian Studies 23, 1992. Dr Alexis Carrel, quoted in H. Caffarel, The Body at Prayer. London, SPCK, 1978. Kelsey, Morton T.   Psychology, Medicine Christian Healing. San Francisco: Harper Row, 1988. Peel, Robert.   Spiritual Healing in a Scientific Age. San Franciso: Harper Row, Publishers, 1987. Thompson, John. Modern Trinitarian Perspectives. Oxford University Press: New York, 1994. Vanhoozer, Kevin J. The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England, 2003. Endnotes Bockman, Peter Wilhelm â€Å"Trinity, Model of Unity Relationship between Unity and Communion the Universal and the Local,† in The Reconciling Power of the Trinity, p. 89. Cf. Moltmann. Cavadini, John. â€Å"The Structure and Intention of Augustines De Trinitate,† Augustinian Studies 23 (1992), 103-23. Dr Alexis Carrel, quoted in H. Caffarel, The Body at Prayer ( London, SPCK, 1978), 20. Kelsey, Morton T., Psychology, Medicine Christian Healing, (San Francisco: Harper Row, 1988), 69. Peel, Robert, Spiritual Healing in a Scientific Age, (San Franciso: Harper Row, Publishers, 1987), 254-69. Thompson, John, Modern Trinitarian Perspectives, (Oxford University Press: New York, 1994), 69-85. Vanhoozer, Kevin J., The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology, (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, England, 2003), 188.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Inter Generational Theory Of Abuse Psychology Essay

Inter Generational Theory Of Abuse Psychology Essay The inter-generational theory of abuse is a widely accepted notion by professionals and lay people alike. This theory suggests that children exposed to physical, emotional or sexual abuse will subject their offspring to a one of these forms of maltreatment. However, the evidence that undermines this theory is too large to ignore. The evidence that supports this hypothesis refers to abused children becoming juvenile delinquents and the identification of the child with the abuser. Methodological problems, generalizability issues and low validity of the experiments conducted undermined the plausibility and truth in the hypothesis. Another strong factor is the protective factors and predisposition of abused children, who break the cycle of abuse which is more common than thought. In this essay I will discuss the evidence both for and against the hypothesis. Kaufman and Zigler (1987) found that the papers written on studies of inter-generational abuse assert validity without proper evidence because their primary sources of information are unreliable. These studies rely largely on case studies, agency records, clinical interviews, self-report questionnaires. An example of case studies was those mostly done with parents whose children were in hospital for non-accidental injuries (Kaufman Zigler, 1987). Most of these parents reported histories of abuse, but because there were methodological problems (such as limited control measures) the generalizability of the findings is not possible. Agency records also had many of the same limitations. The representative samples, comparison subjects and formal definitions of abuse differed. The omissions in agency records were rarely recorded. Clinical interviews are valuable for generating hypotheses about inter-generational theory but they lacked comparison groups and definitions were far from legal criteria (Kaufman Zigler, 1987). Self-report questionnaires lacked the exploration of the statistical relationships among determinants of abuse (Kaufman Zigler, 1987). Egeland Jacobvitzs observed that the history of abuse could not be separated from influence of poverty, stress and social isolation on parenting behavior. They also noted that the broader the definition is, the greater the apparent link becomes in the inter-generational hypothesis thus make the validity of the collected data low (Kaufman Zigler, 1987). According to Langeland and Dijkstra (1995) the variations of definitions of abuse cause considerable variation of the rates of transmission. They concur that due to bad methodologies making generalizations from the information is problematic. They also highlight the need to study both mothers and fathers (because they have clinical and theoretical relevance), which isnt always the case. Langeland and Dijkstra (1995) show how many studies only examine one child (e.g. Goodwin et al., 1981; Main Goldwyn, 1984; Altemeier et al., 1986; Egeland et al., 1988; Pianta et al., 1989; Burkett, 1991; Boyer Fine, 1992; Caliso Milner, 1992; Herzog et al. 1992; as cited in Langeland and Dijkstra; 1995) and suggest researchers need to look at wider family context (that is brothers, father, grandparents, aunts and cousins). Widom (1989) highlights that the methodological problems play a role in the misrepresentation and overestimation of the actual statistics related to the inter-generational theory. In Widoms review of the literature, she also emphasizes the over dependence on self-report, inadequate documenting of childhood abuse, and the infrequent use of control groups. According to Widom researchers should make a clearer distinction between abused and neglected children because the differences in consequences are significant the information collected overlaps and distorts the results. Widom thus suggests the need for better rating scales for studies, and the need for a greater methodological awareness and refinement. Protective Factors and Predispositions Kaufman and Zigler (1987) observed that some parents (with a history of abuse) became abusive parents whereas other did not. Hunter and Kilstrom (as cited in Kaufman Zigler, 1987) attributed this to the individuals having: extensive social support (e.g. therapy); fewer undecided feelings about being pregnant, they were openly angry about the abuse they endured, and their babies were healthier. Another study by Egeland and Jacobvitz (as cited in Kaufman Zigler, 1987) found mediating factors to be that one parent/foster parent was loving and caring towards the abused child, the abused had an emotionally supportive spouse, they also had fewer current stressful life events and they had a greater awareness of history of abuse and had come to terms with it. This study provides information on the interrelationships (etiology of abuse and other influences) of the many determinants of a parents behavior. Langeland and Dijkstra (1995) also found that many abused children manage to break the cycle of inter-generational abuse. They emphasize the factors that protect/buffer the transmission. Belsky (1980, as cited in Langeland and Dijkstra, 1995) says there are multiple factors at work that cause abuse such as: the individual (personality of parents); familial (the home/family environment e.g. marital relationship); community (formal informal social structures e.g. neighborhood and other family); cultural (societal expectations and attitudes). However, Belsky (1980, as cited in Langeland and Dijkstra) says the interaction of risk and protective factors are important because they effect likelihood of transmission of abuse between generations. Garbarino Gilliam (1980, as cited in Widom, 1989) reiterates that other life events or the predisposition of the child (e.g. natural abilities, physiological predispositions, and social supports) will protect them from the effects of abuse. Deliquency and Identification Kaufman and Zigler (1987) commented on the many other factors that contribute to abuse. Children may find themselves in similar social or relationship conditions (or have long lasting effects of child abuse) that led their parents to be abusive to them as children and cope in the same way. Quinton and Rutter (1988) reiterate that abuse occurs for many reasons namely: substantial social and environmental hardships and a constellation of psycho-social difficulties. It is noted that children may have the same or similar situations as their parents and cycle continues because of the same outside influences. They found that abuse can lead to: personality disorders, alcoholism, and criminality all of which are associated with abuse. Sir Keith Joseph (1972, as cited in Quinton and Rutter, 1988) said poor parenting is a central mechanism for encouraging inter-generational transmission of family problems (that is children learn from their parents). Men that were imprisoned for violence against children were found to have come from large families where abuse was common (Gibbens Walker, 1956; Scott, 1973, as cited in Quinton and Rutter, 1988) and women accused with child-battering were associated with unhappy, loveless and traumatic childhoods (Lukiarowitz, 1971 as cited in Quinton and Rutter, 1988). Quinton and Rutter (1988) noted that the vulnerabilities deriving from exposure to poor parenting can lead to them being abusive (e.g. depression is known to be associated with abuse). Widom (1989) emphasized that the immediate consequences of child abuse are physical injuries or emotional trauma but that the emotional and developmental scars may persist thus leading to the likelihood of inter-generational transmission of abuse. McCall Shields (1986, as cited in Widom, 1989) highlighted the context of violence in culture. Accordingly the approval of such behaviors legitimizes and reinforces the use of violence (Gil, 1973; Huggius Straus, 1980; Steinmetz, 1977; as cited in Widom, 1989) which in turn instigates the high degree of acceptance of violence in culture (R.A. Stark McEvoy, 1970 as cited in Widom, 1989). It is therefore not too difficult to deduce that learning to become violent through normal childrearing experiences might be transmitted from generation to generation (Goldstein, 1986; as cited in Widom, 1989). The social learning of a child and the witnessing/victims of physical and emotional aggression become a model for the child that violence is appropriate in the home (Bandua, 1973; Feshbach, 1980; as cited in Widom, 1989). Straus et al. (1980, as cited in Widom, 1989) suggest that each generation of abusive parents learns to be violent by being a participant in a violent home. Other evidence suggests that abuse leads to aggressive behavior, depression, withdrawal and self-punishing behavior all of which lead to abusive behavior which would suggest that the cycle of abuse can be and is transmitted. It is also suggested that abuse may lead to becoming an abusive parent, a delinquent, or a violent criminal (Widom, 1989). McCord (1983) did a study on abused, neglected, rejected, and loved boys. She found that 45% of the abused and neglected boys ended up being convicted for serious crimes, becoming alcoholics, suffering a mental illness, and/or died unusually young. Their parents were found to have been similar. Other researchers Rocklin and Lavetts (1987) research has demonstrated that identity formation (process by which a child incorporates aspects of a significant other) adds to inter-generational transmission. This is because they form these identifications as a coping mechanism rather than actual identity. However, the identification can persist and is often seen to be used later in life. Conclusion It is clear that being abused puts people at risk of being abusive towards their offspring but it is not the only factor and the path is not direct. There are many protective factors that buffer the adverse effects of abuse, which often breaks the cycle of abuse. The methodological limitations of most experiments (and lack of control measures) have lead to misleading representations of the statistics, and the inter-generational transmission of false facts (Widom, 1989). However the persistent acceptance of the inter-generational theory seems to have undermined many studies as well. The risk factors and society in which a child learns from seems to cause abuse and the transmission from generation to generation. In conclusion abuse is not necessarily transmitted from generation to generation, because there are many protective factors and the path is not direct. The past and present influence the likelihood of abused children becoming abusive parents, not just the possibility of the int er-generational abuse occurring.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Customer Satisfaction and SWOT Analysis of Thesis Binding

Customer Satisfaction and SWOT Analysis of Thesis Binding ABSTRACT As the project is about Customer Satisfaction and Swot analysis of Thesis Binding, It is a marketing research project, for that I have collected the data by using various techniques like questionnaire and by telephone as well. The questionnaire made in different formats for in-house and out-house separately. Out-house survey is being done in the various university of Kolkata like Calcutta university, Jadavpur and so on. And for in-house survey, we are surveying those customers who have already done their thesis binding from Dhar brother. Various parameters in the questionnaire have been used to measure the satisfaction level of the customer and also to find out what are their needs or what they exactly want from the company and to determine the swot of company. After that analysis of collected data will be done to get out conclusion and recommendation The objective of project is to get idea of what kind of promotion strategies is required by company to increase sales and to attract more customers and apart from that what new services are required company to increase customer satisfaction level and what is the strength, weakness , opportunities and threat for company so company can take action to use opportunities, and to mitigate threats and weakness to get competitive advantage and increase business revenue and profits. INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE COMPANY Dhar Brothers is a family owned business base in Kolkata, West Bengal and it was founded by Late Rash Mohan Dhar in the year 1930. Dhar Brothers started with only book binding in a very juvenile stage and then by the help of supportive community and companies hard work, Dhar brothers is known as a reputed Thesis paper maker in Kolkata . The Dhar Brothers have a huge client base of student or professionals who need binding of their thesis or project work. The companies target customers who are doing research work as well as those students doing their P.H.D. from all the universities of Kolkata and its nearby cities or areas. Over the years, Dhar Brothers have broadened our job profile, which now includesDATA PROCESSING, PRINTING, BINDING, PICK UP DELIVERY. It is possible because of Mr. Kishore Dhar who did Herculean task with heart and soul together. Driven by technology, Dhar brothers is able to serve many outstation and foreign clients as well with whom we get in touch through mail orders. Dhar Brothers have experience of more than 75 years in this trade. Dhar brothers provide customized services to scholars to all the universities according to their specifications. Companys vision is customers delight. And Dhar Brothers hope is Dhar brother achieved it, and with their blessings, Dhar Brothers are now a most recognized thesis company in Kolkata. Dhar brothers is a largest thesis binding company in kolkata and is known for its superior quality, customization and betterservices to its customer or picking up online delivery.Company have skilled labour or other resources to serve the customer better . Kinds of services provide by the company Hard Binding: Hard bound books are very rigid and finished to a high standard with edges covered throughout encasing up to approximately 500 pages. These books are cloth covered in a wide variety of colours and lettering on the spine can also take front board lettering. Soft Binding: Soft bound books are cut flush on the edge and are rigid enough to stand on a bookshelf encasing up to approximately 500 pages. This bookish cloth covered in a wide variety of colours and lettering on the spine. We dont advice front board lettering. Simple Binding: Card back and clear plastic front can be used as a temporary binding, but is strong and attractive enough for permanent use. Up to 300 pages 90 g/m2 . Thesis-CD-pockets: A transparent PVC pocket for holding CDs that you might want to submit with your thesis. These are inserted onto the inside of your thesis rear cover. THESIS CRAFT POCKET: An elegant handmade pocket built into the rear board of your thesis. This is suitable for holding loose sheets, photos, maps, and other documents. It can hold up to 20 A4 sheets of paper. Introduction of project Title of project is Customer Satisfaction and SWOT analysis. In this first to understand the business of company and what kind of services are provided by the company to fulfil the need s and wants of customers regarding their thesis binding, the issues which we have to solve in this project is to understand that, customers are satisfied with the current services provided by the company or not and what kind of services customer are expecting from company. So that company can provide those services to customer, to give them value of money and increase customer satisfaction. To understand all that discussed above, different techniques have been used to collect the data, these techniques are survey of customers by questionnaire, telephonic strategy, personal interviewing. After collecting the data sample size will be taken for the analysis so that we can come to some conclusion regarding the customer satisfaction and some recommendation can be provided to solve the issues. As discussed above sample size will be used for the analysis of data by using various techniques .Considering all the points, SWOT analysis will be done as per the present situation. As DHAR brothers is a only big thesis binding company in the Kolkata region so it is the greatest strength the company has and to find out the new opportunities, and how to tapped these opportunities and find out weakness and threats of company, and find out the ways to solve those. NEED OF THE STUDY The study has been done to know the different type of services provided by Dhar Brothers and what is the customer satisfaction level regarding different type of services of Dhar Brothers and to know the customer response about what kind of improvement they want from company, so Dhar Brothers can take action to fulfil their needs. This study also covers the promotion strategies required by Dhar Brothers where company is lacking. Through this study I came to know the customer satisfaction and SWOT of Dhar Brothers. OBJECTIVE OF the PROJECT The main objective of the project is to understand â€Å"Customer satisfaction and Swot analysis of thesis binding in Kolkata† are as This project would help Dhar Brothers in understanding the customer needs and get feedback on their product and services. Understand the customer satisfaction and Swot analysis for their thesis binding. Understanding what kind of services and customization customer expects from company regarding their thesis binding work. After understanding customer needs, efforts to fulfil their needs. In devising new methods of approaching their customers and in the process making them aware of various products and services on the basis of above needs of customers. To increase the services after understanding the customer requirements to serve them better. To make good relation with customers so that they will recommend other customers to company in future for their thesis binding, that helps in increasing sales of company. TO check present services quality is matching with the customer requirements or not, and what kind of up gradation is required. Different methodology will be used for the data collection and data analysis. Collected data will be analyzed properly to find out what are the requirements of the customer. To understand SWOT of Dhar Brothers. TO understand how to mitigate threats and remove weakness and what is the new opportunities. INFORMATION REQUIRED Various services being offered by Dhar Brothers. To understand the working procedure of company. The kind of responses received from the customers during survey to get information about customer needs and wants and apart from that to measure their satisfaction level. Various tools of promotions are required by company to increase awareness and to build brand image and understanding the level of impact it has on the customers. The form of activity which is effective from the point of view of customer satisfaction and Swot of company. Details regarding the customer satisfaction level regarding various services of Dhar brothers. Information regarding what is the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of Dhar Brothers. Finally innovative methods of targeting the customers and building a brand image and increasing the customer satisfaction level by providing them value for their money. REASERCH METHODOLOGY Method of data collection:- Primary sources:- It is a marketing research project so to collect the data two type of questioner is used for survey. I. In-house questioner is used to collect the data of existing customers of company at the time of delivery of their thesis. II. Outhouse questioner is used to collect the data from different universities of Kolkata. Secondary sources:- It is the data which has already been collected by someone or an organization for some other purpose or research study .The data for study has Been collected from various sources: Companies website Other Internet sources Past Data of organisation Time: 3 months Statistical Tools Used: Simple tools like bar graphs, tabulation, line diagrams have been used for analysis of data. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Very small Sample Size as compared to the target customers. Therefore a possibility of making error. Limited amount of times as the survey is time consuming. Geographic limitations. Project is only to understand customer satisfaction and swot analysis for thesis binding not for other type of bookbinding. Collection of data is only from existing customers required services not from customers who have already taken services in past.. MainTEXT Description of project in brief As I explained above in introduction the project is to measure the customer satisfaction level and to find out Swot analysis of thesis binding, So that company can come to know about satisfaction level of customers by its presently available services and came to know about what kind of up gradation is possible to upgrade our services and to serve the customer in better way and to measure that if any step company have taken is it feasible or not. Companies main focus is services oriented because the company is looking for expanding the business and to attract more customers, and to get the idea of new trends of thesis binding what customer expect from the company so that company can fulfil their wish of customers that helps the company to retain its present customers and to attract new customers . Recently Dhar Brothers start new services like online delivery services to the customers , that works as more beneficial for both the companies and customers point of view , most of the time what happened if customer have not time to come at company or away from Kolkata like from different state or cities than customer can submit their orders on companies website, where everything is mentioned about services of companies and by filling the demand form according to their requirement and made payment online , from where company take the customers order and provide them service and finished the work of customer within 48 hours after that if you are from Kolkata, you can take delivery from company and if you are from outside the Kolkata and if you cant come , your thesis would be courier on your address. TO understand the SWOT of company to get advantage from competitors and minimize the risks of business, as I discussed after clear understanding of strength, weakness, opportunities and threat, company can take necessary steps to maintain their strength as a tool of success, and take the advantage of new opportunities and work on remove the weakness, who are coming in path of success of company and mitigate the threats. The strategy used to proceed the work, first after clearly understanding the work of company and what to do, I first prepare two questioner, one is for in-house survey to collect the data from customers at the time of their delivery, to get their valuable feedback and to measure their customer satisfaction level and to get the idea what kind of new improvement is required according to them, and what company should do to serve them better in future , so that companies sales will increase in future second is outhouse questioner to collect data by surveying PHD or those people who are doing research work across different universities of Kolkata and then after collecting the data and proper analysis of that data will be done by using different technology to find the conclusions of problems and recommendation and what steps should be taken to improve services and to expand business or to attract new customers. Market growth rate of company Market rate has been found out by using the data of the customers who already have done their thesis work in 2009 and 2010. The data has been shown below Source: this data is based on the no of copies for the thesis binding month wise of Dhar Brothers. The data which have been shown in the given table is the number of copies which has been completed in the year 2009 and 2010. From the collected data which have been shown above shows that there is an increment in the growth rate of 13.6% in the year 2010 compared to 2009. This shows that customer base of Dhar brothers is increasing every year so to meet with the demands of these customer and serve them better company have to increase their present resources, like skilled human resource , Machinery, better infrastructure etc. to meet with this challenge in future. Market Size Market size plays an important role to find out the areas where we can target the customers or it shows which area we should focus for the thesis binding. The market size can help the company to come to know about the untapped areas or the areas from where less business is coming, so can company can make strategy and can take right decision to cover these untapped areas and areas from where less business is coming. Number of customers coming in Dhar Brothers from different universities can be understand by the help of below graph, here In this graph I have not showed customers of all the universities I just try to show where we have to focus more to increase business and sales of company. Source: This data is taken from Dhar Brothers. Horizontal Axis: Months Vertical Axis: Number of copies The data shown in the graph is the number of copies that have been taken on the vertical axis and month has been taken in the horizontal axis. As we can see from the above graph that in all the Four months from January to April, the number of students coming in company from Calcutta university is more than any other university. And from the other university like Rabindra Bharthi is comparatively less than the Calcutta university, So our market Size is Rabindra bharathi and Vidyasagar University as well as B.Ecollege, Jadhvpur university . The message which I want to clear with the help of this above graph is that, here in our company customers from Calcutta university is coming more than all other universities of Kolkata, so these universities are like the areas from where less business is coming except C.U., So company should take steps to increase business from these universities, by doing promotion ,make better relationship with guides of students. Demand of services Which services provided by Dhar Brothers is more in demand is easily understand by below graph- Source: This data is taken from survey of customers and from Dhar Brothers past data. The data collected is of the year 2011 from January to March. From the above graph we can find out which product of the company is in more demand. As we can see in the graph hard binding is in more demand as compared to the other demand, so company should more focus on hard binding service to satisfied the needs and expectation of customers from Dhar Brothers Because this service is more in demand and as well as company should also focus on superiority of other services. METHODOLOGY REASERCH METHODOLOGY Various products/services being offered by Dhar Brothers. The kind of responses received during survey of customers. The form of activities which is effective from the point of view of Customer satisfaction and Swot analysis. To understand what kind of services and customization customers want. To understand the customer needs and expectation from company. Developing innovative methods of approaching the target group . The survey conducted, would help in identifying the perception of a customer about services of company, which would further help in identifying the customer need and expectation and what kind of customization customer wants from company that in other words can say to provide value of money to customers . The survey conducted would give insight regarding whether Dhar Brothers should increase the services for their customers and if yes then in what type of services. Design of Questioner: Two types of questioner is used for survey in house and outhouse. Design of inhouse questioner: In-house questioner is designed for survey of in-house customers at the time of delivery of their thesis binding, the parameter have been taken in this questioner by keeping in the mind that the facts these customer have already taken the service of company, the following parameters have taken, to measure the satisfaction level of customer and analysis of swot areas. Details of customers include name, university, area of thesis, contact number, email-id. From where customer came to know about company? How much customer satisfied with printing, paper binding and price with respect to quality, delivery service within 48hours? How much customer satisfied with service like, waiting time, Employee Behavior, Working environment? What is the strength of company, measurement is done on the basis of some point, for that I attached the questioner at end of project? What is the requirement of customer? At the end an open ended question to get the customers view to serve them better. Design of outhouse questioner: Out house questioner is used for survey of PHD or research students in different universities of Kolkata, in this questioner points have taken by keeping in mind that these customer will use the service of company in future because the Dhar Brother has monopoly in the market regarding business of thesis binding, so by getting earlier the idea of expectation of customers and what type of service they are looking for , so the company will provide that service to customers in future, the point have taken in this questioner are as follows. Details of customers include name, university, area of thesis, contact number, email-id. University name from which the students belong to so that company can find out from which university maximum students will apply for the thesis binding. One question has been put in the questionnaire regarding the month for the thesis binding so that company can get to know their completion of project in advance and will try to capture by using the phone number to increase the sales of company. Selection of sample size: For measuring customer satisfaction and Swot analyisis I have collected the data of 170 customers by using both in-house and outhouse customers. In this project we have considered only those people who are doing their research work either from PhD or their own research work like thesis on literature. (note: because of time constraint could not gather much ). Data collection methods: Data will be collected by survey and interviewing of both in-house and out house customers. For in-house data collection surveying and interviewing of customers will do at the time of delivery of their thesis binding, so customer after checking their delivery can have the idea of quality of their binding and give us the proper response regarding their satisfaction level and other methods I m following to collect the data from our past customers by calling them on their contact no. or by the help of e-mail id and in survey of in-house customers I havent faced any problem. I have collected the data of 170 customers. And for the outhouse survey, my target was PHD students or students who are doing research in different universities of Kolkata , So by visiting in different Kolkata universities and interviewing these people , I have collected the data I had approached in following universities of Kolkata like Calcutta university . Rabindra Bharti , Jadhvpur univer sity, Shibpur B.E college, WBUT etc. Challenges faced in Out house Survey: Initially after visiting in Kolkata universities following problems have come in my path are as To enter inside universities and do the survey work. How to meet PHD students because there are no regular daily classes of PHD students. Sometimes Communication problem because here people mostly communicates in Bengali. To take permission from authorities to do survey work and to find out at what time I can meet with PHD students. Strategies used to overcome these challenges: By using the Reference of college identity card and doing research for academic requirement , till know I have got success to meet with PHD department authorities in universities like Rabindra Bharti universities and Jadhvpur university. I m trying to get the record of students PHD departments o like contact number or email-id , so that I can contact them to collect data . From project guides and PHD authorities get the time when I can meet with these peoples. FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS INITIAL findings The various findings of from the information collected are Dhar Brothers only do binding of thesis of research work. By a comparative analysis of customers of different universities of Kolkata as well as from other states and cities, it can be understood that company has reasonable price with respect to overall quality and Dhar Brothers has monopoly in this thesis binding business no other such big player available in Kolkata for thesis biding. Company imports material for thesis binding like paper, cover page material from Netherland, so the focus of company is to provide best quality and service to our customers. Customers here comes from other states and cities also apart from Kolkata, like Darjeeling, Jharkhand, Bihar, Assam etc., this shows that company has good Brand image , and known for superior quality and fast services. Company has efficient resources, adequate infrastructure and skilled labour and working environment to do the work. Customer appreciate the online order service of company and Home delivery to customers who are away from Kolkata or have some problems to come, this service will help customers to finish their work at time and cost effective also. Customers also appreciate the fast delivery service of company within 48 hours. Hard Binding service provided by company is more in demand. Dhar Brothers has good brand image in this business of thesis binding. ANALYSIS Data which have been collected through questionnaire from in-house and out house will be used for the analysis of data. As the data in the questionnaire contains various different parameters like quality price, delivery system, waiting time, location and others. These parameters will be used for the data analysis and found out the relation between the different parameters. The target group for the survey is PHD students and those who do research work of age group normally more than 25 years of age. Sample Size: 170 (Note : due to time constraint, sufficient amount of response from customers was not gathered) Customers response how they come to know about Dhar Bothers: Friends (Who have used service in past)-62% Guide- 16% Others-2% Family members-12% Internet-8% Graph of customers response how they come to know about Dhar brothers. (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey jan.-april) Above graph shows clear representation from which source number of customer comes here. As we clearly understand from above data and graph Dhar Brothers required more methods of promotion to increase sales of their company because 62% customer come here are recommended by their friends, so company should do promotion in News papers, and Internet On major Research sites so during research of their work, Customer come to know about Dhar brothers, that will help company to boost their sales and by giving demonstration in education fares and in universities. Customer Satisfaction Analysis The parameters which I have taken to measure the customer satisfaction level are , printing quality, paper quality, binding quality , service within 48 hours, waiting time, adequate infrastructure, working environment price with respect to quality . It can be better understand by below graph. Customer satisfaction on the basis of quality of material used for Thesis binding work. (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey ,jan-april) As by analysis of above graph it is clearly visible that customer satisfaction level is very high, customers are highly satisfied by the material quality used for thesis purpose like paper, printing quality, Binding quality, so this is good sign for company. Paper quality 85% are highly satisfied and 15% are average satisfied there is not even one customer who is not satisfied Same is the case with printing and binding quality, from binding quality 80% are highly satisfied and 20% are average and from printing quality 77% are highly satisfied and 23% are average satisfied. Customer satisfaction on the basis of services of company and proximity to location (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey, jan.-april) From the above graph it is clearly visible the customer satisfaction level of services provided by company, customer satisfaction level is very high except some parameter like waiting time, Proximity of location. So company have to work on reduce the waiting time by increase human resource and more systems to provide fast service and other one proximity to location the company can do improve it by taking online demand and home delivery to customer because to open other branches in different location is not feasible for company it requires lot of resources and wealth. And overall if we focus customers are highly satisfied. This shows that feasible steps which companies should take to improve services and customer satisfaction level. Customers satisfaction level regarding overall quality with respect to price Customers satisfaction level regarding overall quality with respect to price is given below with the help of graph. (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey from January to april) From the above graph it is clearly understandable that only 10% customer is very low satisfied with price of Dhar Brothers and 90% are satisfied with price of company with respect to quality out of which 62% customers are highly satisfied and 28 % are average satisfied, so overall customers are satisfied with price, company should not bothered much about those 10% low satisfied customers. Companys main focus should on 90% of customers. From the above three graph used on the basis different parameters it is cleared that customers are satisfied except some parameters like waiting time and proximity to location. The data have taken in all the graphs are of four months January to April. Analysis of what was the requirement of customers The parameters we used for analysis of requirements of customers are services provided by company like Formatting, Printing, Binding Printing, Binding Copier and Binding Only Binding (Source: This graph is drawn on the basis data collected by customers during survey from January to april) It would be understand from the above graph, what percentage of customers taken which category of service, company focus is that every customer should take our first category of services formatting, printing, binding it would give more profit to company but after collection of data and survey of customers it have been found that those customers who have not good knowledge of formatting only those customers taken this service and those who can do formatting done by self to save cost. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: Company has monopoly in market in the business of thesis binding. Company has adequate infrastructure and machinery. Company has skilled labour to provide superior quality services. Working environment of Dhar brothers is favourable for customers. Dhar Brothers is very cost effective for thesis binding with respect to quality. Online Delivery system and on time delivery. Delivery service within 48 hours. Imported material from Netherland used for the purpose of to provide good quality to customers. Strength of Dhar Brothers according to response o